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Enterprise Management Incentive Schemes – A Comprehensive Guide

Enterprise Management Incentive Schemes – A Comprehensive Guide

EMI schemes, also known as enterprise management incentive schemes, are specially designed for UK-based SMEs to attract and retain top talent by offering tax-advantaged share options. These enterprise management incentives not only boost employee motivation but also align their success with the company’s growth. In this guide, we will explore what enterprise management incentive schemes are, the eligibility requirements, tax benefits, steps to implement them effectively, and the complexities of accounting for share based payments.

Key Takeaways

  • EMI schemes offer significant tax benefits and flexibility for UK-based SMEs, allowing companies to tailor incentives to align with specific business goals and motivate employees effectively. Performance-based conditions related to continued employment can impact the effectiveness of EMI schemes by ensuring that share awards are adjusted at each reporting date based on non-market based performance conditions.
  • Eligibility for EMI schemes requires companies to meet specific criteria, including having fewer than 250 employees and gross assets not exceeding £30 million, ensuring the scheme benefits dedicated employees rather than those with significant existing stakes.
  • Proper implementation and ongoing management of EMI schemes are crucial to maximizing their benefits, requiring adherence to specific compliance activities, clear communication of legal terms, and adjustment of vesting schedules and performance targets to drive employee behavior.

Dynamic teams are the backbone of every successful business, and enterprise management incentive (EMI) schemes can be a powerful tool to build such teams. These schemes are designed for trading companies that are brimming with growth potential, providing a tax-advantaged way to recruit and retain the kind of employees who can take your business to the next level. Particularly attractive to UK-based SMEs, EMI schemes are a beacon of success-sharing, typically suited for teams not exceeding 250 employees. EMI schemes distinguish themselves with their flexibility and tax benefits, creating valuation certainty for both the company and employees while aligning with specific business objectives.

Imagine being able to offer a management incentive that not only rewards your employees for their current contributions but also aligns their aspirations with the company’s long-term goals. This is the essence of an EMI scheme. By granting emi options, you’re not just offering a mere bonus; you’re sharing a piece of the future—a stake in the company’s growth. It’s a powerful way to ensure that when the company succeeds, everyone gets a share of the pie. One of the significant benefits of EMI schemes for employers is the exemption from paying employer’s national insurance contributions.

EMI schemes stand out from other share schemes due to their significant adaptability. Every business has its unique trajectory and an EMI plan can be tailored to reflect this. EMI schemes offer the flexibility to craft an incentive plan that perfectly suits the nuances of your business. Some ways in which EMI schemes can be customized include:

  • Setting the conditions for when employees can exercise their options
  • Defining how the success of the company will be measured
  • Determining the vesting schedule for the options
  • Designing the performance targets that need to be met for employees to receive their options

With an EMI scheme, you have the freedom to create a plan that aligns with your business goals and motivates your employees effectively.

Eligibility Criteria for EMI Schemes

When diving into EMI schemes, precise understanding and navigation of eligibility criteria are paramount. The gatekeepers of this tax-efficient option are clear: your enterprise must not exceed gross assets of £30 million and should operate with fewer than 250 full-time equivalent employees. It’s akin to joining an exclusive club where the rules are set to benefit the up-and-coming stars of the business world.

Zooming in on the fine print, the key details of an EMI (Enterprise Management Incentive) are:

  • The total value of options granted cannot surpass £3 million
  • There’s a cap on the individual employee’s share value, which should not exceed £250,000
  • Only employees who commit a minimum of 25 hours a week or 75% of their working time to the business qualify for EMI options, and this can have an impact on employer’s national insurance contributions.

These conditions ensure that the most dedicated members of the business reap the benefits of the EMI scheme. It is also crucial to accurately assess and report expenses related to EMI options in each financial reporting period to ensure compliance and proper accounting.

The exclusivity extends even further. If an employee already has a significant stake in the business, specifically more than 30% of the share capital, they are excluded from participating in EMI schemes. This criterion ensures that EMI schemes remain a tool for broader employee incentivization rather than a benefit for those already holding substantial power within the company.

Qualifying Trades and Activities

For eligibility in the EMI scheme, trades must operate on a commercial, profit-making basis and fall under the category of ‘qualifying trade’. This means steering clear of substantial excluded activities, such as property development or certain financial services, which could disqualify a company from the scheme.

The landscape of EMI schemes also requires your business to have a permanent establishment in the UK. This could manifest as a workshop, an office, or even a mine—any fixed place of business through which the company operates. Since December 2010, the tether to the UK has become slightly more flexible, but the requirement for a UK base remains a cornerstone of the scheme.

The clock starts ticking from the moment EMI options are granted; the qualifying trade must commence within two years, or the company risks a disqualifying event. This ensures that the incentives are aligned with active, ongoing business endeavors. Moreover, research and development that will ultimately contribute to a qualifying trade is considered a part of such activities, which is particularly beneficial for companies in the tech and pharmaceutical sectors. Share options allow employees to convert them into shares and own equity in the company, aligning their interests with the company’s success.

Tax Benefits of EMI Schemes

The array of tax benefits EMI schemes offer is one of their most compelling features. Imagine being able to grant emi options without triggering income tax or national insurance contributions on the grant or exercise, as long as the exercise price is at least the market value at the time of grant. This positions EMI schemes as a highly tax-efficient option for rewarding employees.

When it comes to capital gains tax (CGT), EMI scheme participants enjoy a significantly reduced rate of just 10%, compared to the 20% that typically applies to other share option schemes. Additionally, when employees sell their shares, they may be eligible for Business Asset Disposal Relief, further lowering their tax liability. This can mean substantial savings, exemplified by a hypothetical employee’s tax liability of £48,390 instead of £222,750 under a non-EMI scheme, when they pay capital gains tax and pay income tax.

From the company’s perspective, there’s also good news. Corporation tax relief is available for the difference between the actual market value of shares at the exercise of the options and the option price paid by the employee. This not only benefits the employee but also enhances the company’s financial health by reducing its tax burden—a win-win situation for all involved. By considering the unrestricted market value, both parties can make informed decisions and ensure a fair transaction. Determining the fair value of share options is crucial for tax purposes, as it helps in calculating the expenses related to share options and obtaining accurate valuations.

Setting Up an EMI Scheme

Setting up an EMI scheme is similar to preparing for a successful journey. It begins with laying the groundwork, ensuring that your company meets the qualifying criteria through a preliminary application to HMRC for an opinion on eligibility. Following this, the design of the scheme comes into play, which includes decisions on:

  • share restrictions
  • conditions for option exercise
  • vesting schedules
  • valuation of shares
  • employee eligibility
  • maximum value of options

These are just a few of the details that need to be considered when setting up an EMI scheme. By carefully planning and designing your scheme, you can create a valuable employee incentive that benefits both your company and your employees. Share-based payments may involve the exchange of equity instruments, which are crucial in measuring the fair value of share options and classifying the payment arrangements as either cash-settled or equity-settled.

The next crucial step involves obtaining a company valuation and securing HMRC’s nod of approval, which is valid for a 90-day window. With the green light from HMRC, the parent company then moves to approve and authorize the option pool, taking into account the number of shares and any special conditions that may apply. Finally, options can be granted to employees, typically through an internal platform or system, to ensure a smooth and compliant process.

But the process doesn’t stop at granting the options. To maintain the tax advantages of the EMI scheme, companies must diligently:

  • Register with HMRC within 92 days of their first option grant
  • Notify HMRC of each grant
  • Complete annual EMI returns until the options are exercised or lapse

It’s a disciplined process, but one that reaps significant rewards for both employers and employees.

Managing EMI Options and Vesting Period

Once the EMI scheme is launched, the focus shifts to managing and adjusting it as necessary. Managing EMI options involves tasks such as updating the cap table, adding or removing recipients as necessary, and ensuring that HMRC is kept informed of any changes. While managing an EMI scheme on your own can be akin to steering a ship through choppy waters, the effort is well worth it, considering the potential cost of errors.

Adhering to a vesting schedule is a key part of successfully managing an EMI scheme, dictating when employees can claim ownership rights over the granted options. Overlooking additional vesting conditions, such as performance targets, is a missed opportunity to drive desired employee behaviors and commitment. It’s essential, therefore, to keep a vigilant eye on these factors to ensure that your EMI scheme continues to steer towards your company’s strategic goals. Recognizing expenses over the vesting period is crucial for accurate financial reporting and compliance.

However, should a disqualifying event occur, such as an employee leaving the company, a 90-day countdown begins, during which options must be exercised to retain EMI advantages. Failure to act within this period transforms the EMI options into unapproved options from the date of the disqualifying event, which could lead to capital gains tax on the growth in value of the shares up to that point.

Comparing EMI Schemes with Other Share Options

Considering the tax efficiency, EMI schemes often emerge as the preferred choice for employee share incentives. In contrast, unapproved options typically come with the sting of income tax charged upon exercise, potentially leading to a hefty tax bill before any cash is received. This significant tax burden at the point of exercise makes EMI schemes far more attractive, as they sidestep this upfront liability.

However, it’s not just about the immediate tax implications. The overall structure and long-term benefits of EMI schemes are designed with the growth-oriented company in mind. By offering a more favorable tax treatment than other schemes, such as the Company Share Option Plan (CSOP), EMIs stand out as a strategic asset for both employee motivation and financial planning. Additionally, it is important to distinguish between cash-settled and equity-settled awards, as cash-settled awards involve recognizing expenses over the vesting period and re-measuring the liability at each reporting date, unlike equity-settled awards.

In essence, the careful selection between EMI and other share schemes can be a defining factor in a company’s ability to foster a committed workforce while ensuring tax efficiency. It’s a decision that can shape the company’s share capital dynamics and its ability to attract and retain top talent.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Implementing EMI schemes can be challenging. Common pitfalls include:

  • Lack of understanding of the complex legal agreements, which often span over 20 pages, leading to potential confusion.
  • To mitigate this, requesting a key terms sheet during setup and ensuring clear communication of the scheme’s main elements are essential steps.
  • Starting with a clear session to define the scheme’s intentions and key decisions can prevent ineffective implementation.
  • Revising estimates for the vesting period of awards that only vest upon an exit event and calculating the debit for each accounting period based on different scenarios and employee departures is crucial.

Compliance is another area where missteps can occur. Not adhering to mandatory compliance activities can jeopardize the tax status of the scheme, a risk that’s too high to take. Additionally, overlooking the importance of leaver provisions, which dictate the fate of options when an employee leaves, can lead to unanticipated complications. To avoid such scenarios, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding and to communicate effectively about whether the share options represent a percentage holding or a specific number of shares, especially during events such as fundraises.

Case Studies of Successful EMI Implementations

The effectiveness of EMI schemes is evident from the numerous real-world success stories. Take TechStart, for instance, a sprightly software startup that saw a 50% leap in employee retention over a two-year period after implementing EMI schemes. Or consider GreenEnergy Solutions, which reported a 40% surge in productivity post-EMI implementation, a testament to the power of aligning employee rewards with company success. Recording expenses related to share-based payments on the profit and loss account can significantly impact a company’s financial statements, reflecting the true cost of these incentives.

In the realm of innovation, EMI schemes have been proven to have a positive impact on employee motivation and innovation. Some notable examples include:

  • FinTech Growth Ltd., which experienced a notable upswing in employee motivation and innovation after implementing EMI schemes.
  • BioPharma Inc., where EMI options played a pivotal role in incentivizing researchers and leading to a breakthrough in their drug development pipeline.
  • Retail Innovators Ltd., whose high-value exit was partly credited to the strategic use of EMI options.

These success stories illustrate the transformative potential of EMI schemes.


As we’ve navigated through the intricacies of Enterprise Management Incentive schemes, it’s clear that they represent a formidable tool for UK-based SMEs. The flexibility, the tax advantages, and the alignment of employees’ goals with company success are the core pillars that make EMI schemes a strategic choice for growth-oriented enterprises. Additionally, providing a true and fair view of the company’s financial position is crucial for companies requiring an audit to demonstrate the accuracy and reliability of their financial statements.

Reflecting on the journey from understanding the basics to mastering the management of EMI options, it’s evident that these schemes can be a cornerstone of a company’s employee retention and motivation strategies. With careful planning, compliance, and communication, the pitfalls can be avoided, and the path to a successful implementation is well within reach.

To those considering the implementation of an EMI scheme, let this guide serve as both a map and a compass. The potential benefits are vast, and with the right approach, your company could be the next success story, inspiring others to explore the galaxy of incentives that EMI schemes offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the maximum value and exercise price of EMI options a company can grant?

A company can grant EMI options up to a total value of £3 million, with an individual employee limit of £250,000 in share value. This ensures fairness and control over the distribution of options.

Are there any trades that do not qualify for EMI schemes?

Yes, trades such as property development and certain financial services do not qualify for EMI schemes.

How does an EMI scheme offer tax benefits to employees?

An EMI scheme offers tax benefits to employees by allowing them to avoid income tax and national insurance contributions on the grant or exercise of market value EMI options, as well as benefiting from a lower capital gains tax rate upon the sale of the shares.

What happens if an employee leaves the company holding EMI options?

If an employee leaves the company holding EMI options, they must exercise the options within 90 days to retain the EMI tax advantages. It’s considered a disqualifying event.

How do EMI schemes compare to other share option schemes in terms of share price?

EMI schemes are more tax-efficient than other share option schemes as they offer more favorable tax treatment and no upfront income tax liability on the exercise of options.

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